- sheep station
- MT 1. овцеводческая ферма;2. овцеводческое хозяйство
English-Russian australian expression. 2014.
English-Russian australian expression. 2014.
sheep station — noun (Aust) A large sheep farm • • • Main Entry: ↑sheep … Useful english dictionary
Sheep station — A sheep station is a large property (station, the equivalent of a ranch) in Australia or New Zealand whose main activity is the raising of sheep for their wool and meat. In Australia, sheep stations are usually in the south east or south west of… … Wikipedia
sheep station — /ˈʃip steɪʃən/ (say sheep stayshuhn) noun 1. a property on which sheep are grazed for wool or meat production: *Until recently it was a sheep station; but the Department of Conservation and Land Management has removed the stock and wire fencing.… …
Dunstan Downs High Country Sheep Station — (Омарама,Новая Зеландия) Категория отеля: Адрес: 1723 Omar … Каталог отелей
Station (Australian agriculture) — Station is the term for a large Australian landholding used for livestock production. It corresponds to the North American term ranch . The owner of a station is called a (which corresponds to the North American term rancher ). Overview… … Wikipedia
Sheep shearing — Sheep shearing, shearing or clipping is the process by which the woollen fleece of a sheep is cut off. The person who removes the sheep s wool is called a shearer . Typically each adult sheep is shorn once each year (a sheep may be said to have… … Wikipedia
sheep run — noun A tract of grazing country for sheep • • • Main Entry: ↑sheep * * * (also sheep station) n. (esp. in Australia) an extensive tract of land on which sheep are pastured … Useful english dictionary
sheep-run — [shēp′run΄] n. Austral. a large property for raising sheep: also sheep station [shēp′stā΄shən] * * * … Universalium
sheep-run — [shēp′run΄] n. Austral. a large property for raising sheep: also sheep station [shēp′stā΄shən] … English World dictionary
Sheep shearer — A sheep shearer is a worker who uses (hand powered) blade or machine shears to remove the wool from domestic sheep. HistoryDuring the early years of sheep breeding in Australia, shearing was carried out by shepherds, assigned servants, Ticket of… … Wikipedia
station — /ˈsteɪʃən / (say stayshuhn) noun 1. a position assigned for standing or remaining in; the place in which anything stands. 2. the place at which something stops; a regular stopping place, as on a transport line. 3. the building or buildings… …